Do Great Work
For years I felt stuck in my career, unsure of what path I should take or what great work I could do. I had big dreams of doing something meaningful, but I lacked the clarity and conviction needed to make them happen. My job paid the bills but didn't fulfill me. I envied people who seemed to have their purpose figured out.
I dabbled in side projects and hobbies, hoping I would stumble upon that "a-ha" moment of discovering my calling. But nothing would stick. Everything seemed small and unoriginal. I didn't have the innate skill to come up with unconventional ideas or see opportunities others didn't. I also lacked follow-through - I'd start things with excitement, only to lose motivation when challenges arose.
My mind kept telling me that I had the potential in me somewhere. But how could I turn that spark into an actual great work? The more I reflected on it, the more I realized I first needed the courage to imagine new possibilities. I had to give myself permission to think outside the box. From there I could develop the determination to stick with an idea over the long haul. It wouldn't be quick or easy, but it was the only way forward. The path to great work always starts within.
Luckily, we have people like Paul Graham writing essays on such topics. He recently penned another masterpiece and it is worth reading in it's entirety. I wish a read this in my 20s.
Here are my takeaways:
Doing great work requires two things: the ability to discover what work is great, and the ability to actually do it. These two skills are very different.
Great work tends to be novel and unconventional, so it takes creativity and going against the grain to identify it. Most people can recognize good work when they see it, but imagining something new that doesn't yet exist is much harder.
Once you identify a great work to pursue, you need very different skills to actually execute and implement the idea. It takes focus, determination, and skill/craftsmanship.
The most common reason great work doesn't get done is because people aren't able to push through when projects become difficult and start to drag on. Staying motivated over the long-term is critical.
Great work often requires mastering complex domains and skills, which takes time. The people who produce great work are committed to putting in the necessary hours over many years.
If you want to do great work, the most important thing is to actively search for clues about what that work might be, and have the courage to actually pursue the ideas. The next step is to build up the skills and dedication needed to execute the work.